Our Awards
(MUVP), a research unit for vertebrate fossil preparation and training, was created in 2010. MUVP is dedicated to educating Egyptian vertebrate paleontologists, expanding awareness of Egypt's vertebrate paleontological resources, and undertaking collection, preparation, study and curation of Egypt's fossil vertebrates.
2008 until now
Hesham Sallam:
The figure of the year from Mansoura University.
Abdullah Gohar:
The best abstract in the 57th Annual Meeting of The Geological Society of Egypt.
Shorouq Alashqar:
The best abstract in the 57th Annual Meeting of The Geological Society of Egypt.
Sanaa El-Sayed:
Jackson student travel grant award from the Society of Vertebrate Paleontology (SVP); Leaky Foundation Grant; Young Explorers Grant, National Geographic.
Sanaa El-Sayed:
The Marvin and Beth Hix Preparators' grant from the Society of Vertebrate Paleontology (SVP).
Iman El-Dawoudi:
Patterson Memorial Award from the Society of Vertebrate Paleontology (SVP).
Sara Saber:
Program for Scientists from Economically Developing Nations (SEDN) Award from the Society of Vertebrate Paleontology (SVP).
Sanaa El-Sayed:
The honoring certificate of the 8th science festival in the Mansoura University.
Sanaa El-Sayed:
The Mansoura University plaque for the outstanding Program for Scientists from Economically Developing Nations (SEDN) Award (2014) from the Society of Vertebrate Paleontology (SVP).
Mohamed Abdel Gawad:
Patterson Memorial Grant & Jackson student travel Award from the Society of Vertebrate Paleontology (SVP).
Sanaa El-Sayed and Iman EL-Dawoudi:
Jurassic Foundation Research Grant. Best lab in the Faculty of Science Mansoura University (2013).
Hesham Sallam:
The Marvin and Beth Hix Preparators' grant from the Society of Vertebrate Paleontology (SVP).