Sanaa El-Sayed talks at the National Geographic Annual Family Day Event: SECRETS OF EGYPT, in Washington DC

Sanaa El-Sayed, the vice director of MUVP, participated in National Geographic Annual Family Day Event: SECRETS OF EGYPT in Washington DC on July 20, 2019. As the theme of this year's event was about Egypt, the activities included Free access to the National Geographic Museum’s “Queens of Egypt” exhibition.

Egyptian face painting and henna art, Screenings of fun films, including Mummies 3D and Mysteries of Egypt, Live talks with National Geographic Explorers like Egyptologist Sarah Parcak and Egyptian paleontologist Sanaa E. El-Sayed whose presentation was about "Mansourasarus " and the Egyptian Dinosaurs.




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Department of Geology, Faculty of Science, Mansoura University, Mansoura, Egypt

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