Dr. Sanaa El-Sayed is featured in the book "Rebels, Scholars, Explorers Women in Vertebrate Paleontology"

Dr. Sanaa El-Sayed, Vice-Director of Mansoura University Vertebrate Paleontology center (MUVP), was chosen as one of the most prominent female figures in the field of paleontology,

and the success stories of these characters were narrated in a book that unearthing the amazing hidden stories of women who changed paleontology forever and tells of their scientific and research experience and their struggles in vertebrate paleontology. Her photo, exploring the Fayum Desert, was also used in the cover images of the book, that published by the popular American Johns Hopkins University, entitled: Rebels, Scholars, Explorers: Women in Vertebrate Paleontology.



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Department of Geology, Faculty of Science, Mansoura University, Mansoura, Egypt


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